24 มีนาคม 2545 19:26 น.

Thats my place


Im walking in a long, long street
Wondering whats spacial in my long, long way
Try to think what I born to be
I know , somewhere is my place, someday is my day
Yet , I still dont know what my spirit say.

Im a emotional traveller
Can  laugh with everything 
and cry with everyrthing too
Compare to the world , I know Im smaller
I just want to make my little place getting better

But, where, where is my little place
I still dont know 
Whats for the wrold I should do best.

Then, I sit in a silence
My heart is calming and I can find my place
My very little place and Im the real owner
You maybe right what you have guess.

Thats my heart, my thinking and my soul
Heaven or Hell, I can ride my heart to go
Because thats the only place I can lead.

Now, I can help this dirty world
By cleaning my dirty place
At least, a very little part of the world is cleaner
If all of you clean yours,
I promise, The whole world will getting  better.				
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Lovers  0 คน เลิฟgluhp
Lovings  gluhp เลิฟ 0 คน
Lovers  0 คน เลิฟgluhp
Lovings  gluhp เลิฟ 0 คน