16 พฤษภาคม 2545 19:16 น.

B ur self


All your fear
shall disappear...
and brign a new life with brightened hope...
like all the flowers can be held...
in humans smiles and wealth.
Be yourself
just do not change...
because you are what you are
and Ill wont be far
Ill be with you whenever you need me
Ill guide the way when you cant see..
Ill be the angel that grant your wishes..
Ill swim with you if we were fishes
so be your self and Ill be me
and one day wishes will come true you ll see				
16 พฤษภาคม 2545 19:11 น.

Flowers of the heart


How beautiful a flower should be...
when springs arrive and so do we..
Blossom out like stars at night...
and see every single one in sight...
the colors of the flowers blend...
and then some sweet messages were send....
aroma of the angles flow
as long as love can be shown....
As soft as clouds in the sky could be....
as pretty as a girl youll see..
and it will bloom again...
when next spring is free!				
16 พฤษภาคม 2545 19:05 น.

a meaningful thing


You took away ...
all my tears..
and all the sorrowness and fear.
You came just right into my heart...
and now i know I found love at last.
I stare right in your dark brown eyes...
and see the glittering hearts flow by...
I shall not fail in what i do...
if you just tell me you love me too...
My heart shall brighten
My heart shall sing
Your heart will bring a 
meaningful thing.				
16 พฤษภาคม 2545 19:00 น.



F orever it shall last...
R oll along the green green grass
I n the valley when love doesnt pass...
End the sorrow of our heart
Nothing to fear when you are near
Dear my friends we all shall be
Somehow happy when we are free				
16 พฤษภาคม 2545 17:59 น.



If you didnt really know..
Ill tell you that I hate you so...
and everyday the hatred grows...
but for some reason it never shows...
Get your attitude out of my way..
I just dont wanna listen
to whatever you say...
One day...oh yeah one day
youll have to pay...
pay for the time you took my tears away				
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Lovers  0 คน เลิฟZen
Lovings  Zen เลิฟ 0 คน
Lovers  0 คน เลิฟZen
Lovings  Zen เลิฟ 0 คน